
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:7-8

Christian giving is important in Christian living. It is part of our grateful response to God’s incredible kindness to us. We therefore encourage all church members to prayerfully consider giving regularly to the church. We don’t want those visiting our church to feel under any obligation to donate to our work.

Where does the money go?

Holy Trinity Church is primarily funded by donations. Although part of the Church of England, the congregation is responsible for raising its own funds. This includes:

  • Clergy and staff salaries
  • Maintenance of buildings
  • Payments to the Diocese
  • Supporting our Mission Partners
How can I give?
Online Donation

Online donations are accepted through our secure ‘Give a little page’. A deduction of 1.95% will be made from your gift to us by the company as a transaction fee. Hence if you donate £20 we receive £19.61, but please sign up for Gift Aid if you can as this will increase your gift by 25%.

Standing Order

You can download our ‘Giving Form’ with standing order and Gift Aid section. This is our preferred method of giving as it allows us to budget for the year, cuts down on our administation and ensures consistency of giving.


Cheques can be made payable to ‘Wallington Parish Church Holy Trinity.’ To allow us to claim Gift Aid, please download our ‘Giving Form’. Gifts can be sent to ‘Giving’ at our office address at the bottom of this page.


Giving envelopes are available in church. These have a Gift Aid section which allows us to claim tax back if you are a UK tax payer. A ‘Giving Form’ with Gift Aid section is also available to download.

For more information please download our giving form or contact the church office. A separate form is available from the office if you wish to leave a legacy or make donations to our mission partners or building project.

Get in touch